Barnsley Citizens Advice Bureau
Shambles Street
South Yorkshire
S70 2SQ
provides impartial advice on debt, housing, benefits, employment and consumer.
Barnsley Welfare Rights
BMBC Service
Welfare Rights: 01226 775577
Mon, Tue,Thurs 10.00 to 5.00
Wed, Fri 10.00 to 4.30
Helping Residents in Barnsley with all aspects of claiming benefits and tax credits.
| (Website)
Public service all in one place
Comprehensive and wide ranging information covering all public sector departments. From Job Search to Passports and more.
A good place to start when seeking accurate information online.
Job Centre Plus
Barnsley Office:
Cooper House
59 Peel Street,
Barnsley, S70 2RL
For benefit enquires and information.
Family Centre
Jump Family Centre
Church St
Barnsley S74 0HZ
Tel: 01226 748805
Support for families with children 0-19yr.
NHS Barnsley
Barnsley Hospital
Gawber Road
Barnsley S75 3EP
Tel: 01226 730000
Ensuring everyone in Barnsley has access to a choice of high quality health services.
Voluntary Action Barnsley (VAB)
The Core,
County Way,
Barnsley, S70 2JW
Tel: 01226 320100
Works with local partners to improve the social and economic well being of Barnsley.
Forge Family Foundation
30a Hoyland Road, Hoyland Common, Barnsley S74 0PB.
Tel: 01226 749119
Activities for pre-school and families.
Forge Community Prtnership